
"Signed, Sealed, Delivered" introduces a dedicated quartet of civil servants in the Dead Letter Office of the U.S. Postal System who transform themselves into an elite team of lost-mail detectives. The intrepid team is led by the charming and handsome, but idiosyncratic, Oliver (Eric Mabius) who still considers the stamped and mailed letter to be the gold standard of human communication. His hapless team of lost letter experts, free-spirited Rita (Crystal Lowe) and oddly-intuitive Norman (Geoff Gustafson), are thrown for a loop when a beautiful, no-nonsense technophile named Shane (Kristin Booth) is mistakenly transferred to their inner sanctum. Shane inspires the lovable crew to step up in a risky and unorthodox way, beginning with a chance to clear the name of a wrongfully accused man and reconnect him with the love of his life. Will this dead letter make the truth come alive?