We learned that our supervisor Cora retired from the post office so that she could write her memoirs. But before she left, she told me that she loved my book "Renita Hayweather: Frontier Duchess" and said I had a best-seller! That's super exciting, except for the fact that I think she also figured out that my lead characters resemble Norman and I. If Norman ever read what I wrote, I would be sooooo embarrassed!!! Sigh. Anyway, speaking of Norman, he found a lost package stuck inside the conveyer. (Norman's very mechanical.) Turns out the package contained a painting from a man named Danny who was trying to mail it to his father Henry. We found out that Danny died in a fire a few years ago and his dad never knew. It was really sad. But the good news is that Henry has a daughter-in-law and a baby granddaughter! I hope they'll get to meet in person soon and make up for lost times.
Rita's Journal